Introducing API Insights, recurring SAT links and more

Belvo Team

Belvo Team Communications


Introducing API Insights, recurring SAT links and more

Here at Belvo, we’re on a mission to help developers access financial data in the easiest way possible.

To achieve that goal, our customers’ feedback is crucial. In the last weeks, we’ve talked to our users and community to learn more about their experience with our products. As a result, our product & engineering teams have turned it into new cool features.

API insights

We’ve just released a new set of insights allowing customers to know how their activity in Belvo is going, directly from their dashboard. Now, our customers can easily see the number of links created and requests made in the last 30 days, and the change since the previous period. We’ve also added a breakdown to see the top institutions used and the top endpoints.

To bring even more control, we’ve added a chart that will let customers check everything about their API activity: filtering by an endpoint, response, or institution as well as by different time ranges.

To start using API Insights, you just have to log in to the dashboard and, if you already used Belvo in production, you’ll immediately see your API activity.

We are now supporting recurrent links for our SAT integration in Mexico. Using them, you can access all information available in SAT for your customers in a completely automated and recurring way: tax returns, invoices and tax status.

As soon as you create a SAT recurrent link, Belvo will automatically load the full history of information available in the account. We will notify you as soon as the last 5 years of invoices, tax returns and tax status are available for you to use. Then, on a daily basis, we will automatically load and notify you via webhook when new invoices are available or existing invoices cancelled.

You can learn more about our SAT recurrent link capabilities in our developer portal:

Improving our Uber BETA integration

Based on valuable feedback from early adopters, we iterated on our Uber integration to provide even more data to developers. We now have a very complete API integration allowing developers to pull all kinds of data for rides and deliveries including 12-month transactions data, driver personal information, rolling balances and some recent additions such as:

  • Pickup and dropoff information
  • Payment method and price breakdown

More information can be found here. If you are interested to be part of our beta, please contact us at

Increased coverage for Mexico business banks BETA

We have added more banks to our beta of business banks support in Mexico and now offer BBVA, Santander, Banregio and Banorte. Again if you are interested to be part of our beta, please contact us at

More news are coming soon, stay tuned!

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Belvo does not grant loans or ask for deposits