Mexico's journey towards open finance accelerates

Open Banking & Fintech
Mexico's journey towards open finance accelerates

In the latest episode of Open Views, we dive into Mexico’s evolving role i...

Belvo Team

Belvo Team

Analytics: helping lenders extract value from open finance data

Analytics: helping lenders extract value from open finance data

Helping lenders to extract value from open finance data.

Clem Le Theo

Clem Le Theo

A comprehensive guide to boost your risk models

A comprehensive guide to boost your risk models

Improve the predictive power of your credit models thanks to risk insights

Clem Le Theo

Clem Le Theo

Lessons on building a consumer-driven open finance ecosystem

Open Banking & Fintech
Lessons on building a consumer-driven open finance ecosystem

In this podcast, we interview John Pitts, Head of Public Policy at Plaid.

Belvo Team

Belvo Team

How Monet built a credit score using open finance data

Customer stories
How Monet built a credit score using open finance data

Monet used machine learning to build their model.

Aritz Amasene

Aritz Amasene

Belvo and FICO to develop an open finance credit score

Belvo and FICO to develop an open finance credit score

The new score will help lenders make more accurate credit decisions.

Belvo Team

Belvo Team

The growth drivers behind A2A payments globally

Open Banking & Fintech
The growth drivers behind A2A payments globally

Account-to-account (A2A) payments are emerging as a disruptive force in the glob...

Belvo Team

Belvo Team

What we learned at Open Views 23

Open Banking & Fintech
What we learned at Open Views 23

This event's second edition had 2K registers and 40 speakers.

Camila Faria

Camila Faria

More insights, less risk: the new version of Income Verification

More insights, less risk: the new version of Income Verification

Verify your users’ income using our machine learning-powered models.

Onur Simsek

Onur Simsek

Belvo acquires Brazilian payments company Skilopay

Belvo acquires Brazilian payments company Skilopay

A strategic step in our strategy as an A2A payments provider.

Belvo Team

Belvo Team

Improving our categorization engine to optimize lending

Improving our categorization engine to optimize lending

We use artificial intelligence to help lenders better assess income and affordab...

Onur Simsek

Onur Simsek

Calculator: estimate the ROI Open Finance for credit reassessment 

Calculator: estimate the ROI Open Finance for credit reassessment 

Belvo’s new tool estimates the ROI of implementing Open Finance to reassess th...

Belvo Team

Belvo Team

We can’t wait to hear what you’re going to build

Belvo does not grant loans or ask for deposits