
Enrichment products use advanced analytics and artificial intelligence models to provide out-of-the-box insights based on customers’ transactional data.

How Brazilian bank BS2 uses Belvo to improve credit analysis

Customer stories
How Brazilian bank BS2 uses Belvo to improve credit analysis

Belvo is helping the bank improve their risk models to reach new customers.

Camila Faria

Camila Faria

When data science meets open banking APIs

When data science meets open banking APIs

Enrichment products provide out-of-the-box insights.

Belvo Team

Belvo Team

Risk insights: empower credit scoring models

Risk insights: empower credit scoring models

A set of high-quality metrics to better understand users’ risk profile

Belvo Team

Belvo Team

Identify regular payments for subscription services

Identify regular payments for subscription services

Like Netflix, the gym, or electricity bills.

Clem Le Theo

Clem Le Theo

Data categorization & open banking: how does it work?

Tech & Engineering
Data categorization & open banking: how does it work?

We've trained our categorization engine with millions of transactions.

Jordi Soler

Jordi Soler

More powerful and accurate income verification

More powerful and accurate income verification

We are bringing more accuracy, intelligence, and metrics to this product.

Belvo Team

Belvo Team

Open Banking, the perfect ally to improve credit scoring

Open Banking, the perfect ally to improve credit scoring

How Open Banking helps building stronger risk models.

Julio Orozco

Julio Orozco

How to speed-up underwriting with Open Banking

How to speed-up underwriting with Open Banking

Thanks to an automatized access to banking data.

Belvo Team

Belvo Team

Helping credit providers verify their customers' income

Helping credit providers verify their customers' income

Our first data enrichment solution.

Belvo Team

Belvo Team

We can’t wait to hear what you’re going to build

Belvo does not grant loans or ask for deposits