Clem Le Theo

Clem Le TheoProduct Marketing

Clem Le Théo works in Product Marketing at Belvo.

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Analytics: helping lenders extract value from open finance data

Analytics: helping lenders extract value from open finance data

Helping lenders to extract value from open finance data.

Clem Le Theo

Clem Le Theo

A comprehensive guide to boost your risk models

A comprehensive guide to boost your risk models

Improve the predictive power of your credit models thanks to risk insights

Clem Le Theo

Clem Le Theo

How does account verification work with open finance?

How does account verification work with open finance?

Open finance can help eliminate the risk of fraud during account verification

Clem Le Theo

Clem Le Theo

Product update: Categorization powered by machine learning

Product update: Categorization powered by machine learning

Categorization is now powered by machine learning.

Clem Le Theo

Clem Le Theo

Product update: new products release & more banking coverage

Product update: new products release & more banking coverage

Access to receivables data in Brazil and fiscal solution available in Colombia.

Clem Le Theo

Clem Le Theo

Product update: lending analytics & improving our dashboard

Product update: lending analytics & improving our dashboard

Lending analytics: our latest solution and improving dashboard capabilities.

Clem Le Theo

Clem Le Theo

Product update: expanding our B2B coverage in Brazil

Product update: expanding our B2B coverage in Brazil

Expanding B2B banks coverage in Brazil and reinforce our SAT integration.

Clem Le Theo

Clem Le Theo

Product update: improving our dashboard's capabilities

Product update: improving our dashboard's capabilities

New filtering capabilities in the dashboard and new institutions released.

Clem Le Theo

Clem Le Theo

Wrapping up 2021 with the latest products updates

Wrapping up 2021 with the latest products updates

The latest product updates and releases for 2021.

Clem Le Theo

Clem Le Theo

How are financial APIs changing the fintech landscape in Latam?

Open Banking & Fintech
How are financial APIs changing the fintech landscape in Latam?

They are an increasingly relevant source of opportunities.

Clem Le Theo

Clem Le Theo

Identify regular payments for subscription services

Identify regular payments for subscription services

Like Netflix, the gym, or electricity bills.

Clem Le Theo

Clem Le Theo

We can’t wait to hear what you’re going to build

Belvo does not grant loans or ask for deposits